Your Abusive Partner is Kicking You Out of the House: What are Your Rights?

Being abused by someone who owns the place where you live puts you in a complicated situation. You may be wondering if your abusive partner can kick you out of the house if you don’t submit to the abuse. Thankfully, the answer is a no. 

While this is also an issue among married couples, the majority have known that every party has the right to be in the house if they are married. But, what if an unmarried couple lives together and one spouse is kicking the other for standing up to the abuse?

Why the Answer is No

If you have stayed at the house for a long time, you are considered a tenant or an occupant of that place. This gives you the legal right to stay there and your partner can’t just kick you out whenever they want. Also, the abusive partner can’t just change the locks to keep you off the house. Many abused partners prefer to move on without going through the legal process. After all, no one wants to stay in an unhappy place and where you are abused and not wanted. 

Unfortunately, in an abusive relationship, the abuser has learned to manipulate the other into doing or not doing things. They would threaten the abused that they will kick them out if they go against the abuser. For instance, the abuser may punch the abused in the face and threaten them to kick them out if they call the police. For most abused partners, the best way out is to leave the house voluntarily. If you are in this type of situation and want to know your rights, you should contact the Law Office of Amanda J. Cook for legal assistance.

What to Do If You are Being Kicked Out by Your Abusive Partner

If you have been living together with your partner for a long period, then you have the protection of the law. This is particularly the case if you are subjected to domestic violence during your stay in the house of your partner. You can protect yourself with a restraining order if you think you are not safe. This Order will prohibit the abuser from contacting you or seeing you. Also, it can make it possible for you to stay in the house while you look for a new place to stay in. As a domestic abuse victim, you should not feel alone. You can seek help and protection from legal experts and the authorities, especially if you are in immediate danger. 

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Alex Wilson: Alex, a former tech industry executive, writes about the intersection of business and technology, covering everything from AI to digital transformation.